
Shortcodes do not work

Most common reasons for inoperativeness of the plugin are listed below. Follow all recommendations to solve your problem. 3rd-party themes and plugins If something is not working, a likely cause…

Insert shortcode button does not work

The most common reasons of this error are listed below. JavaScript errors Errors of JavaScript are one of the most common problems. These errors often lead to incorrect operation of…

Insert Shortcode button is only visible to Admins (hidden for editors and authors)

Why the button is only available to Administrators Since version 5.0.7 minimum required user capability for the “Insert Shortcode” button has been changed from edit_posts to manage_options, which means only users with this…

Shortcodes and AJAX content

Some themes and plugins may load your content using AJAX requests. In this case, shortcodes may not work properly, because wp_head and wp_footer hooks will not be triggered after the content load. This means…

Fixing “Update package not available” error

There are two main reasons why this error is happening. The actual reason for this error depends on what type of WordPress installation you use. See the options below. Single…

Unable to connect to activation server, not-activated-503

There are 2 reasons why you can face this error: The best way to solve the issue is to wait for an hour and try to activate your license key…

How to replace Slider and Carousel shortcodes with the Image Carousel shortcode

If you want to replace old Slider and Carousel shortcodes with the new Image Carousel shortcode, just add the following code to the end of the functions.php file of your…

How to disable the “Last used settings” preset

Last used settings is a service preset which is automatically created every time you insert a shortcode using the Insert shortcode tool. It stores the settings you used for the…

White screen (error 500)

If you find a white screen or error 500 that usually means something has triggered a PHP error, but errors are hidden on your server. To find out the cause…

I did not received Purchase Receipt email after purchase

This article will be useful if you did not receive the email with download links and license keys. First of all, check the Spam/Junk folder in your mailbox; Go to Restore…