Function reference: su_get_gallery_slides()

su_get_gallery_slides( array $args )

Creates an array of slides for a gallery (image gallery, slider/carousel, etc.), based on a simple and readable query string. This function is being used by the Image Carousel shortcode and can be utilized in custom shortcodes, created in the Shortcode Creator add-on.

Table of contents

  1. Parameters
  2. Settings
    1. source
    2. link
    3. limit
    4. random
    5. prefer_caption
  3. Return
  4. Source
  5. Examples
    1. Getting the slides data
    2. Displaying the images


The function accepts a single argument, which must contain an array with settings.

(array)(Required) An array with settings



The query string to be used to query posts from the DB.

Possible values:

This setting determines which link will be created for a slide.

Possible values are:


This setting sets max number of posts that will be queried. It can be used with the following source values: posts: recent, media: recent, and taxonomy: books/1, 2, 3.


Set the value to yes to shuffle the slides order. Possible values: yes and no.


Set the value to yes to use image captions instead of image titles as a slide caption. Possible values: yes and no.


The function returns an array with slides data on success, false otherwise.


		'post_id': 1,
		'attachment_id': 1,
		'caption': 'Image caption',
		'link': '',


The most actual version of the source code can be found in the includes/functions-galleries.php file.


Getting the slides data

Media Library

The code below will create slides data based on the Media Library attachments with IDs 1, 2, and 3.

$slides = su_get_gallery_slides( [ 'source' => 'media: 1, 2, 3' ] );

The code below will create slides data out of the 10 last uploaded attachments.

$slides = su_get_gallery_slides(
		'source' => 'media: recent',
		'limit' => 10,


The code below will get posts with IDs 2 and 3, and create slides data based on their featured images:

$slides = su_get_gallery_slides( [ 'source' => 'posts: 2, 3' ] );

The code below will get 10 latest posts, and create slides data based on their featured images:

$slides = su_get_gallery_slides(
		'source' => 'posts: recent',
		'limit' => 10,

Taxonomy terms

The code below will get 2 latest posts from the category with ID 1 and generate slides data based on their featured images:

$slides = su_get_gallery_slides(
		'source' => 'taxonomy: category/1',
		'limit' => 2,

The code below will get 2 latest posts from the terms with IDs 2 and 3 in the books taxonomy, and generate slides data from their featured images:

$slides = su_get_gallery_slides(
		'source' => 'taxonomy: books/2,3',
		'limit' => 2,

Displaying the images

// Get the slides data
$slides = su_get_gallery_slides( [ ... ] );

// Loop the received slides
foreach ( $slides as $slide ) {

	// Display an <img> tag by the slide's attachment_id
	echo wp_get_attachment_image(

	// Display the slide caption
	echo $slide['caption'];

	// Display the slide link
	echo $slide['link'];

🤝 Thank you!