
The very best. I will refer everyone I know. Shortcodes Ultimate should be nominated for plugin of the year.

Chad Coogan

[su_testimonial name="Chad Coogan" photo="https://getshortcodes.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/person-3-square.jpg" company="Intelli Wealth Group" url="#" border="yes" target="self" radius="5" background_color="#f5f5f5" border_color="#cccccc"]The very best. I will refer everyone I know. Shortcodes Ultimate should be nominated for plugin of the year.[/su_testimonial]

This shortcode is available in Shortcodes Ultimate Pro


This shortcode allows you to create beautiful testimonials with photo and link.


nameType here a testimonial author name
photoChoose testimonial author photo
companyType here a company name. Leave this field empty to hide company name
urlType here a company URL. Leave this field empty to disable link
targetChoose link target

Default value: blank
text_colorThe color of the testimonial text

Possible values: #HEX color

Default value: #555555
background_colorThe color of the testimonial text background

Possible values: #HEX color

Default value: #ffffff
cite_colorThe color of the citation text

Possible values: #HEX color

Default value: #555555
borderShow grey border around this testimonial

Possible values: yes or no

Default value: yes
border_colorThe color of the border ariund the testimonial text

Possible values: #HEX color

Default value: #cccccc
radiusThe radius of the testimonal text container

Possible values: Number from 0 to 100

Default value: 0
classAdditional CSS class name(s) separated by space(s)


Vivamus sit amet est augue. Nam lobortis sagittis eros vitae suscipit. Aenean pharetra eget sem vitae blandit. Phasellus vehicula velit vel nibh fringilla mollis.
John D.
[su_testimonial name="John D." text_color="#9a1f00" background_color="#fffbec" cite_color="#9a1f00" border_color="#5e1300" radius="30"]Vivamus sit amet est augue. Nam lobortis sagittis eros vitae suscipit. Aenean pharetra eget sem vitae blandit. Phasellus vehicula velit vel nibh fringilla mollis.[/su_testimonial]
Hoo hoo
Mr. Owl, The Forest

Mr. Owl

[su_testimonial name="Mr. Owl" photo="https://getshortcodes.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/agto-nugroho-wuDvhtaAYYI-unsplash-scaled.jpg" company="The Forest" text_color="#fffdd7" background_color="#00481d" cite_color="#583600" border_color="#00351b" radius="10"]Hoo hoo[/su_testimonial]

Photo by Brooke Cagle

🤝 Thank you!