
The shortcode below changes its text from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM (UTC +0)

Sorry, we're offline now. Come back tomorrow.

[su_scheduler time="10:00 - 17:59" alt="Sorry, we're offline now. Come back tomorrow."]Hey, we're online now! <a href="#">Contact Us</a>.[/su_scheduler]


This shortcode allows you to schedule specific content.


Option namePossible valuesDefault value
In this field you can specify one or more time ranges. Every day at this time the content of shortcode will be visible.

Examples (click to set)
9-18 – show content from 9:00 to 18:00
9-13, 14-18 – show content from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00
9:30-10:15 – example with minutes (content will be visible each day, 45 minutes)
9:00:00-17:59:59 – example with seconds
Any text value– none –
In this field you can specify one or more days of the week. Every week at these days the content of shortcode will be visible.

0 – Sunday
1 – Monday
2 – Tuesday
3 – Wednesday
4 – Thursday
5 – Friday
6 – Saturday

Examples (click to set)
1-5 – show content from Monday to Friday
0 – show content only at Sunday
0, 3-5 – show content at Sunday and from Wednesday to Friday
Any text value– none –
In this field you can specify one or more days of the month. Every month at these days the content of shortcode will be visible.

Examples (click to set)
1 – show content only at first day of month
1-5 – show content from 1th to 5th
10-15, 20-25 – show content from 10th to 15th and from 20th to 25th
Any text value– none –
In this field you can specify the month or months in which the content will be visible.

Examples (click to set)
1 – show content only in January
2-6 – show content from February to June
1, 3, 5-7 – show content in January, March and from May to July
Any text value– none –
In this field you can specify the year or years in which the content will be visible.

Examples (click to set)
2014 – show content only in 2014
2014-2016 – show content from 2014 to 2016
2014, 2018, 2020-2022 – show content in 2014, 2018 and from 2020 to 2022
Any text value– none –
In this field you can type the text which will be shown if content is not visible at the current moment
Any text value– none –
🤝 Thank you!