QR code

[su_qrcode data="https://getshortcodes.com/" size="200" align="center" color="#F73F43" background="#ffffff"]


This shortcode allows you to create colorful QR codes.


dataThe content to store in the QR code. You can use here any text or even URL.
Use %CURRENT_URL% to display the URL of the current page or %PERMALINK% to display the permalink of the current post.
titleEnter here short description. This text will be used in alt attribute of QR code
sizeImage width and height (in pixels)

Possible values: Number from 10 to 1000

Default value: 200
marginThickness of a margin (in pixels)

Possible values: Number from 0 to 50

Default value: 0
alignChoose image alignment

Possible values:

Default value: none
linkYou can make this QR code clickable. Enter here the URL
targetSelect link target

Default value: blank
colorPick a primary color

Possible values: #HEX color

Default value: #000000
backgroundPick a background color

Possible values: #HEX color

Default value: #ffffff
classAdditional CSS class name(s) separated by space(s)
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