Plugin settings overview

This article describes the settings of the Shortcodes Ultimate. You can access the plugin settings navigating to Dashboard – Shortcodes – Settings.

Table of contents

  1. Custom formatting
  2. Skip default values
  3. Shortcode prefix
  4. Custom CSS

Custom formatting

By default: Enabled

When this mode is on plugin adds a special filter for the_content function. This filter finds shortcodes in the post content and deletes some tags inside of them. The following tags will be deleted: <p></p><br />. This mode is required for correct operation of [row] and [column] shortcodes.

Rarely “Custom formatting” may work incorrectly. If you don’t use [row] and [column] shortcodes, it is recommended to disable this mode.

Skip default values

By default: Enabled

This mode helps to make shortcodes even shorter by deleting unnecessary attributes. When this mode is enabled, shortcode creator will not insert attributes (settings) values of which you did not change to the post editor.

This is how shortcodes inserted into editor with this mode look like:


and this is how shortcodes inserted into editor with disabled mode look like:

[su_divider top="yes" text="Go to top" style="default" divider_color="#999999" link_color="#999999" size="3" margin="15"]

Shortcode prefix

Default value: su_

All plugin shortcodes have prefix in name, e.g. su_spoiler or su_divider. This prefix is used for ensuring of compatibility with standard WordPress shortcodes and shortcodes of other plugins.

If you want to use shortcodes without prefix, then just leave this field empty.

Please note that after changing the prefix you will have to edit shortcodes which were inserted earlier. If you haven’t used any shortcodes in posts or pages yet, then you won’t have to do anything.

Custom CSS

Read “How to use Custom CSS editor” article to learn more.

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