
Panel content. You can use any HTML markup or even other shortcodes here.
[su_panel color="#F73F43" border="1px solid #F73F43" radius="3" text_align="center" url="#"]Panel content. You can use any <strong>HTML markup</strong> or even other shortcodes here.[/su_panel]
Panel content
Panel content
Panel content
[su_column size="1/3"]
[su_panel]Panel content[/su_panel]
[su_column size="1/3"]
[su_panel]Panel content[/su_panel]
[su_column size="1/3"]
[su_panel]Panel content[/su_panel]

This shortcode is available in Shortcodes Ultimate Pro


This shortcode allows you to create flexible blocks with content.


backgroundPanel background color

Possible values: #HEX color

Default value: #ffffff
colorPanel text color

Possible values: #HEX color

Default value: #333333
borderPanel border

Possible values: CSS border shorthand property

Default value: 1px solid #cccccc
paddingPanel padding (in pixels)

Possible values: Number from 0 to 150

Default value: 15
shadowPanel shadow

Possible values: CSS box/text-shadow shorthand property

Default value: 0px 1px 2px #eeeeee
radiusPanel border radius (px)

Possible values: Number from 0 to 60

Default value: 0
text_alignText alignment for panel content

Possible values: left, center, right

Default value: left
urlYou can type here any hyperlink to make this panel clickable
targetChoose link target

Default value: self
classAdditional CSS class name(s) separated by space(s)
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